
Consulta Oftalmología Prioritaria

Dirigida a paciente que por sus condiciones no puede esperar una cita médica programada, pero cuya vida NO peligra como

Consulta Oftalmología General

Valoración médica especializada en los ojos y sus anexos (parpados y vias lagrimales), acompañada de diversas pruebas para conocer enfermedades,

Oftalmología Supraespecializada

Dirigida a pacientes que ya cuentan con un diagnóstico previo oftalmológico, y que por su condición requieren de un manejo

Consulta Optometría

Es la puerta de entrada a nuestro servicio de atención en salud visual. Se previenen y diagnostican las anomalías de


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of available in market

01. What does you do?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of free available in market the printing and typesetting industry has been industry's standard.
02. What is graphics design?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of free available in market the printing and typesetting industry has been industry's standard.
03. Why we are the best?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of free available in market the printing and typesetting industry has been industry's standard.
01. What does you do?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of free available in market the printing and typesetting industry has been industry's standard.
02. What is graphics design?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of free available in market the printing and typesetting industry has been industry's standard.
03. Why we are the best?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of free available in market the printing and typesetting industry has been industry's standard.

04. What is industries covered?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of free available in market the printing and typesetting industry has been industry's standard.

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